lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

The Aztec Culture

The Aztecs When fundaor Tenochtitlán, the Aztecs were going away to be there in a good weather, until the arrival of the Spaniards. Then they left unknown Aztlán(lugar) and they went to look for citio new according to you order them of Huitzilopochtli. After a long way, they arrive at the Valley of Mexico, of where corresn. And when requesting earth to stay itself gave Tizapán them, which was full of poisonous serpents, which ate shortly after roasted. Much later they are with a signal in the Lake of the Texcoco, an eagle, in a nopal, devouring to a serpent; there and they founded the city of Tenochtitlán, that means where it is the wild nopal. This says the Aztec legend at least to it.
Social division the city divided in calpullis or districts, inhabited by groups of originating families of a common trunk. They had a protective divinity, an internal government and earth in common. The families who seeded the Earth of calpulli single to inherit it to their children, but not to sell it nor anything. The tribute that these communities paid maintained to the nobility. The society divided itself in two social classes: pipiltin (priests and the military) and the macehuales or people of the town. The differences between both got to be deep. The origin of the division was in the fact that the macehuales produced and paid, whereas pillis lived on the tribute and the administration tasks of and leadership dedicated themselves to; but to such economic difference hierarchic connotations and legal distinctions were added. Pillis dressed in cotton clothes, used long mantles, was fixed with forebears, bezotes and necklaces of precious stones; in its houses one knew the luxury the cushions of pens and the equipales, and it was counted on the attendance of numerous crew members. The facades of the noble houses were crowned with battlements that made reference to the rank of the residents. The noble were judged by special courts. The macehuales had strictly prohibited to use long clothes of cotton and mantles; they had to dress in woven linen cloths thread little owl and other rough fibers. It was not allowed them to engalanar itself with pedrería, although they could buy it. Also they had prohibited to place battlements in the walls of his houses. Brave mystics and (soldiers and priests) the soldiers of the special bodies, the brave ones, lived continuously risking the life; unmarried and quartered, they danced and they composed songs awaiting his next appointment with the death. Marginalized the boys who escaped of the paternal house, the antisocial ones expelled from their districts, the fugitive delinquents which they changed of city to hide itself, became marginalized and rambled by the cities exerting their new offices: shippers, acrobats, titiriteros, prostitutas, vague beggars and, of course, street thieves and bandits of ways.
According to the Aztecs, the world I am created 5 times and one destroyed four, to improve more to the man every time. They had numerous Gods: · Coatlicue, the Earth goddess. · Huitzilopochtli, the God of the war. · Ipalnemoani (by who lives itself), the supreme force · Xochipilli was the God of the flowers, the love, the fertility and the illicit sexual relations. Her wife, the Xochiquétzal goddess was protective of prostitution · Tlazoltéotl was the goddess of the pleasure, the voluptuosity, the fecundity and the fertility. · Tlaloc - rains . Quetzalcóatl . Ehecatl - winds. Ç

The main cultures are: maize, tobacco, chili peppers, fruit and maguey

More in Astronomy specialized Thanks to their observations determined with high accuracy the revolutions of the sun, the moon, Venus, and, perhaps, of Mars; they grouped stars in constellations, they knew the existence comets, the frequency of the moon and sun eclipses, and could create a complex calendar. This also helped to predict the autumn or winter them, you would veran, etc... Architecture, painting, medicine, orfebrería, sculpture, language and Literature

They used many techniques and instruments. They had much specialty in the architecture, having éra greater pyramid of the world, the one of the Sun. Also they handled the buildings, monuments, hieroglyphics and sculpture.
Flora and Flora
fauna In Monte Tláloc there are oyamel, encino and other coniferous although not in sufficient amount for an important operation. The climate is propitious for trees like: pirul, willow, ash, walnut, tejocote, capulín, chabacano, olive tree, apple tree, higo, etc. Plants and flowers, grow: roses, claveles, gannets, gladiolos, ayapangos, cloud, daisies, margaritones, violets, bugambilias, nardos, lilies, etc. With commercial intention: tulipán, pompón, crisantemo and clavel. Also maize, vegetables, wheat, barley, alfalfa and zacatón, as well as magueyes and nopales. Fauna Rabbit, hare, cacomiztle, tejón, squirrel, tuza, rate of field, etc. Reptiles: the inoffensive viper of bell, viborillas of water, cencuate. Birds: wanderers, sparrows, magpies, colibríes, canaries, doves, etc. "Creole" white Peces:pescado, trout, juiles, frogs and acociles. Climate It is warmed up semidry, with an annual average temperature of 15.9°C, with little frequent frosts. Their prevailing winds are of the south.

Like arriving a: The Texcoco In order to arrive at the Texcoco from the City of Mexico, it has, by highway, a distance of 51 kilometers, that are crossed approximately in one hour; the free highway is taken number 136 the Mexico-Texcoco until arriving at the archaeological zone.

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