lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

The Mixtec Culture

The Mixtec Culture

The mixtecas occupied the North zone of Oaxaca; region mountainous, wooded and covered by fog, which explains the name of "mixtecas": inhabitants of Mixtecapan, or "place covered with clouds". In 750 d. C. the mixtecas lower of mountains and mountain ranges of the Mixteca and began to invade in central valleys of Oaxaca being conquered diverse centers zapotecas like Yagul, Mitla and Zaachila. The main cities mixtecas were: · Achiutla · Coixtlahuaca · Nochistlán · Tilantongo · Tlaxiaco · Yanhuitlán · Tututepec · Teposcolula · Monte Albán · Mitla


Its regime was monarchic. They were divided in two social classes: the one of rich to that the gentlemen or caciques, the noble belonged, and the merchants who were leaders, politicians and soldiers; and the inferior class that corresponded to the class of the town that paid tributes. The mixtecas did not have a consistent political unit. They were organized in independent señoríos. The leader of each señorío, Coquihalao, received tribute, supervised some forms of work, administered justice and carried out activities religious. The civilian, religious and military power handled the king to it, who was the interpreter of the Gods. The mixtecas are conosidos like a town soldier who appropriated fertile territories of his neighbors invading central and northern valleys of Oaxaca. The strongest groups dominated the weak ones and they demanded tribute to them.


The mixtecas had the belief that before began the Earth life a divine pair existed: the God Snake of Leon and the Goddess Snake of Tiger. They had two children who invented agriculture and created the other Gods. The Gods more venerated by the mixtecas were: · Hituayuta, God of the generation. Yosotoyua, God of the merchants. Cohuy, God of the maize. Their main religious centers were in: · Tilantongo · Coixtlahuaca · Tuxtepec · Tlaxiaco Agriculture The most important cultures are: maize, wheat and frijol. In the High Mixteca, weaves of palm, cotton are elaborated, wool, articles of ixtle, leather and mud. In the Low Mixteca, they make weaves of palm; and in the Coast, mud objects, textiles in waist looms and panela elaborate.


The mixtecos of Mexico influenced by the zapotecas, a.d. developed their own writing towards year 900. The writing mixteca was less outpost than the one of the Mayans, who used many fonogramas (symbols that represent sounds). In resistance the mixtecos used them solely to write names. All the set is put in symmetrical disposition and says the following thing: · 1-20 represents 20 days (the Aztec year is made up of 13 months of 20 days). · 21-24 is the divinities of the four cardinal points: Xochipilli (21), the prince-flower, indicated by a flower in the left hand; Mictlantecutli (22), prince of infier to us, indicated by the skull; Chalchiuhtlicue (23), the goddess of the water, indicated by the water with snails that appear of shoulders; and Tlaloc (24), God of the storms, that has in its left hand a jaw as symbol of their power to squash it everything · From the 25 to the 40 represents the 16 heads with their names indicated in the hieroglyphic; 41 represents Mayauel, the goddess of the agave (plants similar to it toots it) and of the fertility. The calendar mixteco was based on a cycle of 52 years. Beyond that number they did not count years. The inferior figure shows the days in the Aztec calendar. Around year 1,400 a.d., the Aztecs adopted the form to write of the mixtecos, except the symbol of the year and the names of people in the calendar.

Flora and fauna

Inhabit animals like the squirrel, arboreal, porcupine, gray vixen, tejón, deer white tail, the hawk, eagle, tlacuache and cat I mount; its flora is: the ocotero pine, ash, encino, juniper, sabino, ahuehué and casoarina; its relief is of mountains with few valleys and plains.

How to get to:


By airplane the Airport the International of Oaxaca has air service with Houston in two daily flights, the city of Mexico, Acapulco, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Villahermosa, Mérida, Cancún, Escondido Port and HuatulcoAdemás, Oaxaca counts on the Airport the International of Huatulco and the National Airport of Escondido.Las Port following air lines fly to and from Oaxaca:Continental: (951) 503 3414 & 503 3415Mexicana: (951) 516,7352 & 516.841Âeromexico: (951)516.1066 & 516.376Äerotucan: (951) 501,0532 & 501.0530Aviacsa: (951) 518,4555 & 518.456Ãerocaribe: (951) 516,0229 & to 516.026Ãvolar: Mexico 01 800 21-AVOLAR (286527), the USA 1 888 3-AVOLAR (286527)

By bus

the group I ACCEPT has different lines of autobuses:UNO (executive line) bus with 25 seats totally reclining, service of toilet, 5 television sets, supermarket of cafeteria and air acondicionado.PLUS (line of luxury) bus with 40 seats reclining, service of toilet, 5 television sets, supermarket of cafeteria and air acondicionado.OCC ((first class)) bus with 44 seats reclining, service of toilet, 3 television sets and air acondicionado.SUR (economic class) bus with 40 seats, stereophonic music and conditioned air. We recommended the services to him of ONE or EXTRA. Extra.Por cost OCC is worth the trouble and the SOUTH can reserve to eliminate one hour and quarter before his salida.En ONE, GL, OCC, the SOUTH and EXTRA can buy its tickets with position to its credit card, with an additional cost by ticket, calling in the city from Mexico to telephone 5133,2424, and in the rear area to the 01.800.702.8000, every day of 7 11 a.m. to pmPuede to reserve tickets to or of Oaxaca in the Ticket service Bus on the telephone: 01.800.702.8000.

By highway

From the city of Mexico it takes highway XXX, are XXX kilometers and takes around five horas.Desde Puebla takes highway 150, are 288 kilometers and takes around four horas.Desde Hidden Port takes highway 175, are 182 kilometers and takes around seven horas.Desde Huatulco takes highway 175, are 169 kilometers and takes around six horas.Desde San Cristobal from the Houses takes highway XXX, are XXX kilometers and takes around XXX hours

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