lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

The Aztec Culture

The Aztecs When fundaor Tenochtitlán, the Aztecs were going away to be there in a good weather, until the arrival of the Spaniards. Then they left unknown Aztlán(lugar) and they went to look for citio new according to you order them of Huitzilopochtli. After a long way, they arrive at the Valley of Mexico, of where corresn. And when requesting earth to stay itself gave Tizapán them, which was full of poisonous serpents, which ate shortly after roasted. Much later they are with a signal in the Lake of the Texcoco, an eagle, in a nopal, devouring to a serpent; there and they founded the city of Tenochtitlán, that means where it is the wild nopal. This says the Aztec legend at least to it.
Social division the city divided in calpullis or districts, inhabited by groups of originating families of a common trunk. They had a protective divinity, an internal government and earth in common. The families who seeded the Earth of calpulli single to inherit it to their children, but not to sell it nor anything. The tribute that these communities paid maintained to the nobility. The society divided itself in two social classes: pipiltin (priests and the military) and the macehuales or people of the town. The differences between both got to be deep. The origin of the division was in the fact that the macehuales produced and paid, whereas pillis lived on the tribute and the administration tasks of and leadership dedicated themselves to; but to such economic difference hierarchic connotations and legal distinctions were added. Pillis dressed in cotton clothes, used long mantles, was fixed with forebears, bezotes and necklaces of precious stones; in its houses one knew the luxury the cushions of pens and the equipales, and it was counted on the attendance of numerous crew members. The facades of the noble houses were crowned with battlements that made reference to the rank of the residents. The noble were judged by special courts. The macehuales had strictly prohibited to use long clothes of cotton and mantles; they had to dress in woven linen cloths thread little owl and other rough fibers. It was not allowed them to engalanar itself with pedrería, although they could buy it. Also they had prohibited to place battlements in the walls of his houses. Brave mystics and (soldiers and priests) the soldiers of the special bodies, the brave ones, lived continuously risking the life; unmarried and quartered, they danced and they composed songs awaiting his next appointment with the death. Marginalized the boys who escaped of the paternal house, the antisocial ones expelled from their districts, the fugitive delinquents which they changed of city to hide itself, became marginalized and rambled by the cities exerting their new offices: shippers, acrobats, titiriteros, prostitutas, vague beggars and, of course, street thieves and bandits of ways.
According to the Aztecs, the world I am created 5 times and one destroyed four, to improve more to the man every time. They had numerous Gods: · Coatlicue, the Earth goddess. · Huitzilopochtli, the God of the war. · Ipalnemoani (by who lives itself), the supreme force · Xochipilli was the God of the flowers, the love, the fertility and the illicit sexual relations. Her wife, the Xochiquétzal goddess was protective of prostitution · Tlazoltéotl was the goddess of the pleasure, the voluptuosity, the fecundity and the fertility. · Tlaloc - rains . Quetzalcóatl . Ehecatl - winds. Ç

The main cultures are: maize, tobacco, chili peppers, fruit and maguey

More in Astronomy specialized Thanks to their observations determined with high accuracy the revolutions of the sun, the moon, Venus, and, perhaps, of Mars; they grouped stars in constellations, they knew the existence comets, the frequency of the moon and sun eclipses, and could create a complex calendar. This also helped to predict the autumn or winter them, you would veran, etc... Architecture, painting, medicine, orfebrería, sculpture, language and Literature

They used many techniques and instruments. They had much specialty in the architecture, having éra greater pyramid of the world, the one of the Sun. Also they handled the buildings, monuments, hieroglyphics and sculpture.
Flora and Flora
fauna In Monte Tláloc there are oyamel, encino and other coniferous although not in sufficient amount for an important operation. The climate is propitious for trees like: pirul, willow, ash, walnut, tejocote, capulín, chabacano, olive tree, apple tree, higo, etc. Plants and flowers, grow: roses, claveles, gannets, gladiolos, ayapangos, cloud, daisies, margaritones, violets, bugambilias, nardos, lilies, etc. With commercial intention: tulipán, pompón, crisantemo and clavel. Also maize, vegetables, wheat, barley, alfalfa and zacatón, as well as magueyes and nopales. Fauna Rabbit, hare, cacomiztle, tejón, squirrel, tuza, rate of field, etc. Reptiles: the inoffensive viper of bell, viborillas of water, cencuate. Birds: wanderers, sparrows, magpies, colibríes, canaries, doves, etc. "Creole" white Peces:pescado, trout, juiles, frogs and acociles. Climate It is warmed up semidry, with an annual average temperature of 15.9°C, with little frequent frosts. Their prevailing winds are of the south.

Like arriving a: The Texcoco In order to arrive at the Texcoco from the City of Mexico, it has, by highway, a distance of 51 kilometers, that are crossed approximately in one hour; the free highway is taken number 136 the Mexico-Texcoco until arriving at the archaeological zone.

The Mixtec Culture

The Mixtec Culture

The mixtecas occupied the North zone of Oaxaca; region mountainous, wooded and covered by fog, which explains the name of "mixtecas": inhabitants of Mixtecapan, or "place covered with clouds". In 750 d. C. the mixtecas lower of mountains and mountain ranges of the Mixteca and began to invade in central valleys of Oaxaca being conquered diverse centers zapotecas like Yagul, Mitla and Zaachila. The main cities mixtecas were: · Achiutla · Coixtlahuaca · Nochistlán · Tilantongo · Tlaxiaco · Yanhuitlán · Tututepec · Teposcolula · Monte Albán · Mitla


Its regime was monarchic. They were divided in two social classes: the one of rich to that the gentlemen or caciques, the noble belonged, and the merchants who were leaders, politicians and soldiers; and the inferior class that corresponded to the class of the town that paid tributes. The mixtecas did not have a consistent political unit. They were organized in independent señoríos. The leader of each señorío, Coquihalao, received tribute, supervised some forms of work, administered justice and carried out activities religious. The civilian, religious and military power handled the king to it, who was the interpreter of the Gods. The mixtecas are conosidos like a town soldier who appropriated fertile territories of his neighbors invading central and northern valleys of Oaxaca. The strongest groups dominated the weak ones and they demanded tribute to them.


The mixtecas had the belief that before began the Earth life a divine pair existed: the God Snake of Leon and the Goddess Snake of Tiger. They had two children who invented agriculture and created the other Gods. The Gods more venerated by the mixtecas were: · Hituayuta, God of the generation. Yosotoyua, God of the merchants. Cohuy, God of the maize. Their main religious centers were in: · Tilantongo · Coixtlahuaca · Tuxtepec · Tlaxiaco Agriculture The most important cultures are: maize, wheat and frijol. In the High Mixteca, weaves of palm, cotton are elaborated, wool, articles of ixtle, leather and mud. In the Low Mixteca, they make weaves of palm; and in the Coast, mud objects, textiles in waist looms and panela elaborate.


The mixtecos of Mexico influenced by the zapotecas, a.d. developed their own writing towards year 900. The writing mixteca was less outpost than the one of the Mayans, who used many fonogramas (symbols that represent sounds). In resistance the mixtecos used them solely to write names. All the set is put in symmetrical disposition and says the following thing: · 1-20 represents 20 days (the Aztec year is made up of 13 months of 20 days). · 21-24 is the divinities of the four cardinal points: Xochipilli (21), the prince-flower, indicated by a flower in the left hand; Mictlantecutli (22), prince of infier to us, indicated by the skull; Chalchiuhtlicue (23), the goddess of the water, indicated by the water with snails that appear of shoulders; and Tlaloc (24), God of the storms, that has in its left hand a jaw as symbol of their power to squash it everything · From the 25 to the 40 represents the 16 heads with their names indicated in the hieroglyphic; 41 represents Mayauel, the goddess of the agave (plants similar to it toots it) and of the fertility. The calendar mixteco was based on a cycle of 52 years. Beyond that number they did not count years. The inferior figure shows the days in the Aztec calendar. Around year 1,400 a.d., the Aztecs adopted the form to write of the mixtecos, except the symbol of the year and the names of people in the calendar.

Flora and fauna

Inhabit animals like the squirrel, arboreal, porcupine, gray vixen, tejón, deer white tail, the hawk, eagle, tlacuache and cat I mount; its flora is: the ocotero pine, ash, encino, juniper, sabino, ahuehué and casoarina; its relief is of mountains with few valleys and plains.

How to get to:


By airplane the Airport the International of Oaxaca has air service with Houston in two daily flights, the city of Mexico, Acapulco, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Villahermosa, Mérida, Cancún, Escondido Port and HuatulcoAdemás, Oaxaca counts on the Airport the International of Huatulco and the National Airport of Escondido.Las Port following air lines fly to and from Oaxaca:Continental: (951) 503 3414 & 503 3415Mexicana: (951) 516,7352 & 516.841Âeromexico: (951)516.1066 & 516.376Äerotucan: (951) 501,0532 & 501.0530Aviacsa: (951) 518,4555 & 518.456Ãerocaribe: (951) 516,0229 & to 516.026Ãvolar: Mexico 01 800 21-AVOLAR (286527), the USA 1 888 3-AVOLAR (286527)

By bus

the group I ACCEPT has different lines of autobuses:UNO (executive line) bus with 25 seats totally reclining, service of toilet, 5 television sets, supermarket of cafeteria and air acondicionado.PLUS (line of luxury) bus with 40 seats reclining, service of toilet, 5 television sets, supermarket of cafeteria and air acondicionado.OCC ((first class)) bus with 44 seats reclining, service of toilet, 3 television sets and air acondicionado.SUR (economic class) bus with 40 seats, stereophonic music and conditioned air. We recommended the services to him of ONE or EXTRA. Extra.Por cost OCC is worth the trouble and the SOUTH can reserve to eliminate one hour and quarter before his salida.En ONE, GL, OCC, the SOUTH and EXTRA can buy its tickets with position to its credit card, with an additional cost by ticket, calling in the city from Mexico to telephone 5133,2424, and in the rear area to the 01.800.702.8000, every day of 7 11 a.m. to pmPuede to reserve tickets to or of Oaxaca in the Ticket service Bus on the telephone: 01.800.702.8000.

By highway

From the city of Mexico it takes highway XXX, are XXX kilometers and takes around five horas.Desde Puebla takes highway 150, are 288 kilometers and takes around four horas.Desde Hidden Port takes highway 175, are 182 kilometers and takes around seven horas.Desde Huatulco takes highway 175, are 169 kilometers and takes around six horas.Desde San Cristobal from the Houses takes highway XXX, are XXX kilometers and takes around XXX hours

The Toltec Culture

The Toltec Culture
The town was developed in the South part of the present state of Hidalgo and near zones. They settled down in the beginning in Tulancingo and later they founded its capital on the city of Tula, that had great importance because it was head of a new state, whose influence was determining in different groups.
The toltecs were capable hunters and were considered a town soldier. In the toltec state it predominated the chaste military man, the imperialistic expansion, the conquests and the tributes of the neighboring towns.
The society divided itself in two classes:
The superior group integrated by jerarcas the military, civil employees, the supreme governor and the priests, who were to the service of the chaste military man and they were in charge to take care of the cult.
The inferior or operated class was integrated by agricultural workers and craftsmen.
Between the most important governors of the town tolteca they emphasize:
EC Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl.
It was most important of the governors, considered cultural hero of the pre-Hispanic world. With the name of Quetzalcóatl it was venerated like God. It took a very prosperous reign in where this civilization reached its maximum development. It imposed the practice of the human sacrifices that its town rendered to Tezcatlipoca.
She was the last governor tolteca. His government, considered despotic, lasted of sixty years. During this period many conflicts between toltecas-chichimecas existed and nonoalcas. With this governor the decline of Tula culminated. Religion the politeísta religion of the empire tolteca was dominated by two main deities. It was the deity of the knowledge, culture, philosophy, and the fertility; it was adopted of previous cultures.
His rival was Tezcatlipoca,
the mirror misty, known by his nature single-breasted uniform jacket.
The important Gods within mythology tolteca are the following ones:
Tlaloc Centeotl
The economy of the toltecas was in the beginning based on agriculture cultivating maize, frijol, Chile, cotton and maguey with which elaborated pulque; later in the production of crafts as the cotton article spinning and weave, as well as the commerce and also in the tribute.
They were remarkable pyramid architects, filling the region. Also they emphasized in the monument sculpture, in addition to being goldsmiths, weavers and embroiderers. In sciences they emphasized in: · Arithmetical · Geometry · Astronomy · Medicine Invented a hieroglyphic writing and composed poetries and songs. They invented three calendars: the monk, the lot and the founded one on the movements of the Venus planet.
The best works were in stone with sculptures that show military scenes and of human sacrifices. One of most important is the Chacmool, a great figure seated in reclined form, maintaining in the belly a container and with the head watching towards a flank. Also they emphasize architectonic frisos of Tula, which represent soldiers, powerful animals like the jaguar and to Quetzalcóatl like emplumada serpent. Next to them it is observed parts of human bodies as crossed skulls and long bones. Also they emphasize the columns carved with the figure of soldiers provided with atlatl or estolicas, pectoral darts, shields and in butterfly form. The ceramic style older Tolteca and than precedes to the foundation of Tula, known like Coyotlatelco, it characterizes by the red color and coffee of his vasijas. Later, a type of well-known ceramics like Mazapa style is developed, whose dispersion by great part of Mesoamérica is associated to the political expansion of the toltecas. Their forms more excellent potters are escudillas with their interior decorated with air lines or waved, painted of red intense. On a par of the Mazapa style, a ceramics called "Plumbate", original of Guatemala, that is one of the few potteries of the New World with surfaces that they pretend to be vitrified, thanks to the painting with mineral pigments and their baking exists to high temperatures
Flora and fauna Fauna:
The main ones are: heron, deer white tail, wild cat, coyote, jaguar, tlacuache, puercoespín, zorrillo, small lizard, tigrillo, rabbit, tejón, cotorra, colibrí, wild quail, guajolote, hare, tordo, hare black tail, owl and viper of bell.
Flora: Fir, pine, encino, oyamel and juniper. Copal, mahogany, wood of rose, ebony, framboyán. Huisache, mezquite, nopal, agave, lechuguilla and damiana.
How to get to:
Tulancingo, Hidalgo is located to 119 km of the city of Mexico by the freeway # 132.En Insurgent automobile to take the North avenue, when arriving at the house to follow señalamientos.En bus, leaving the Power station of the North, meter line 5, station Buses of the North.

The Zapotec Culture

The Zapotecs were located in Oaxaca, and they extended towards Veracruz, Chiapas and Guerrero, subtropical climate regions, with very fertile earth. The group of the Olmecs had occupied great centers of the valley of Oaxaca, until the settlers of these centers were united to form the Zapoteca Confederation, having as capital to Albán Mount. Later the mexicas conquered Albán Mount and the old inhabitants went to Mitla, Zaachila, Etla and Teotihuacan.then the Aztecs sacked Mitla, but the Zapotecs followed like an united and independent town, until the arrival of the Spaniards.
The priests and kings showed the absolute power of this town, and were those that integrated the highest level of that society, followed the retailers, the craftsmen to them and finally the hunters, fishermen and agriculturists. The base of its economy was agriculture
The zapotecs were polytheists and zoolatrous, adored to many Gods and some animals. They respected to the dead to which they buried in ballot boxes with rich offerings. Its main or superior God was Xipe Totec, to who they considered creator of the other Gods and who represented a common figure all the precortesians indigenous religions. One imagined to him covered with a human skin and taking in the right hand "chicahuaztli" and in the left the head of victim or one rodela. This great civilization believed in numerous superstitions, among them the "nahualism" that consisted of having an animal whose destiny went united to the man. For that reason many children took animal names. The "nahual" was a wizard who in the nights took the form from animal for the practice of his badness. These wizards were feared for the damage that could cause. Its main religious center was Mount Albán, Mitla and Zaachila.
The base of its economy was agriculture, the artisan commerce and practiced the hunting, the fishing and the harvesting. Agriculture very was varied. Between the products that seeded was the maize, frijol, pumpkin, Chile, tomato and cacao, which watered by means of channels and drains. In hills terraces excavated slopes to form great steps of called earth, and with it to avoid the erosion of the ground and that rain took with himself to the fertile Earth. This form of sowing allowed them to obtain abundant harvests. The retailers took a cane like representation of their office. They used a copper currency in form of T. Sciences The Zapotecs were great sculptors constructors and, is enough to remember center the ceremonial Albán Mount, that later became urban center, in where the human figures in the walls of the Temple of the Dancers are seen, very similar to the figures that did Olmecs. In addition the Zapotecs emphasized by their knowledge of Arithmetic, astronomy and writing, and knew to handle the agricultural calendar perfectly. In the art, the architecture, the writing (hieroglyphic), the mathematics, and the astrology (calendars), the Zapotecs seem to have had cultural affinities with Olmecs, old the Mayans, and more ahead with the Toltecs.
They worked the stone, especially in the decorative designs that abound in their architecture, also made bas-relief and the paintings murals that constitute some of the most precious fragments of the pre-Hispanic art of Mexico. They emphasize specially the designs of soldiers and captives, who indicate the importance of the conflicts in the society. It is possible to mention the denominated designs "dancing” which present/display personages in sacrifice attitude and submission. The architecture of the period finalde this culture characterizes by a profuse decoration mosaic type, lambda-type boards and.

Flora and fauna
We do not have information of the flora and fauna of those times, but as we know that the majority in Oaxaca lived: In the flora of Oaxaca we found oyamel, ocotero pine, ash, encino, juniper, ahuehuete, casuarina, framboyán, salvia, hinojo, mulato wood, thyme, huamuche, cazahuate, laurel, mangle, guayacán, palm of the Coco, fragmentation hand grenade and zapote. The main animals that there are in Oaxaca are: squirrel, hawk, eagle, opossum, deer, wild cat, armadillo, tzentzontle, finch, sparrow, calandria, tejón, raccoon, boa, mascot, pheasant, leopard, wild boar, to tapir, tigrillo, monkey spider, mazate, mojarra, smooth, guachinango, fish guard, gilded, carp, shrimp and lobster.
How to get there
Like arriving a: to Oaxaca By airplane the Airport the International of Oaxaca has air service with Houston in two daily flights, the city of Mexico, Acapulco, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Villahermosa, Mérida, Cancún, Escondido Port and HuatulcoAdemás, Oaxaca counts on the Airport the International of Huatulco and the National Airport of Escondido.Las Port following air lines fly to and from Oaxaca: Continental: (951) 503 3414 & 503 3415 Mexican: (951) 516,7352 & 516,8414 Aeromexico: (951)516.1066 & 516,3765 Aerotucan: (951) 501,0532 & 501,0530 Aviacsa: (951) 518,4555 & 518,4566 Aerocaribe: (951) 516,0229 & 516,0266 Avolar: Mexico 01 800 21-AVOLAR (286527), the USA 1 888 3-AVOLAR (286527) By bus the group I ACCEPT has different lines of buses: ONE (executive line) bus with 25 totally reclining seats, service of toilet, 5 television sets, supermarket of cafeteria and conditioned air. EXTRA (line of luxury) bus with 40 reclining seats, service of toilet, 5 television sets, supermarket of cafeteria and conditioned air. OCC ((first class)) bus with 44 reclining seats, service of toilet, 3 television sets and conditioned air. The SOUTH (economic class) bus with 40 seats, stereophonic music and conditioned air. We recommended the services to him of ONE or EXTRA. Extra.Por cost OCC is worth the trouble and the SOUTH can reserve to eliminate one hour and quarter before his salida.En ONE, GL, OCC, the SOUTH and EXTRA can buy its tickets with position to its credit card, with an additional cost by ticket, calling in the city from Mexico to telephone 5133,2424, and in the rear area to the 01.800.702.8000, every day of 7 11 a.m. to pmPuede to reserve tickets to or of Oaxaca in the Ticket service Bus on the telephone: 01.800.702.8000. By highway From the city of Mexico it takes highway XXX, are XXX kilometers and takes around five hours. From Puebla it takes highway 150, are 288 kilometers and takes around four hours. From Hidden Port it takes highway 175, are 182 kilometers and takes around seven hours. From Huatulco it takes highway 175, are 169 kilometers and takes around six hours. From San Cristobal of the Houses it takes highway XXX, are XXX kilometers and takes around XXX hours. to Veracruz By air, the Airport the General International Heriberto Rockrose Crown of Veracruz, receives direct domestic flights of main the cities Mexican, like Monterrey (State Capital again Leon), Villahermosa (State Capital of Tabasco), Mérida (State Capital of Mérida), Cancún (been of Quintana Roo), Mexico DF (capital of the country), Tampico (State Capital of Tamaulipas), Oaxaca (State Capital of Oaxaca) and Huatulco (been of Oaxaca).En the facilities of the international airport, the traveller will find the following services: rent of automobiles, taxis authorized, public parking, tourist information, reserve of hotels, restaurant, snack-bar, stores of crafts and agencies bancarias.Además of the Heriberto airport Rockrose, in the state of Veracruz are two national aerial terminals: The Tajín, in the municipality of Tihuatlán, near the city of Rich Poza; and, Canticas, in the region Coatzacoalcos-Cosoleacaque- Minatitlán. Additionally, 31 aerodromes exist. By earth, from the city of Mexico, the capital of the country, the routes Mexico-Puebla-Xalapa or Mexico-Orizaba-Veracruz can be taken. The trip in automobile lasts 4 hours, approximately. Before the motorized passage, it reviews his vehicle. It is recommended not to handle of noche.Si you you do not have a vehicle, decides on the omnibus that covers the route. The transport companies offer to their fleeting economic services and of first class. In Mexico DF it is necessary to approach the units that leave from the Terminal of Buses of Passengers of East (I COVER), located in the street Zaragoza 200. to Guerrero By Airplane the state of Guerrero counts on the Airport the International, "General Juan N. A'lvarez," is located near the city of Acapulco, to 30 minutes on the Scenic Highway. By Bus Of the City of Mexico Gold Star can arrive by the Buses of the line, or by Group White Star; both companies have destinies to Altamirano, Taxco, Equals, Chilpancingo, Acapulco, Ixtapa - Zihuatanejo. Gupo White Star in addition has cover to Teloloapan, Arcelia, Atoyac de Alvarez, Red Earth, Ometepec, Cuajinicuilapa, Tlapehuala and Petatlán. By Highway Of the City of Cuernavaca it has 3 options to arrive at the state of Guerrero: by the Free Highway, the Federal Highway (95) or by the Freeway of the Sun; these two you complete cross our organization until the City of Acapulco. From the City Lazaro Cardenas it can take the Federal Highway (200) that closely together crosses our state of the coast, until arriving at Oaxaca By Sea the city of Acapulco counts on a port. Local Transport. Within the state multiple organizations of carriers with an ample rural and urban cover already exist To Chiapas The state of Chiapas can be arrived and by air terrestrial. From Mexico DF a highway in good state exists that leads to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the capital chiapanese. It looks for greater comfort, approach some of the flights that land in the local airport. By air, the National Airport of Terán de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, State Capital of Chiapas, receives originating flights of Mexico DF. The trip lasts so single one hour with 20 minutes. Of earth, the State Capital of Chiapas, Tutxla Gutiérrez, is in favor to 1.080 kilometers of Mexico DF. The hard trip around 14 hours and the price of the ticket in omnibus are of 40 dollars, approximately. The units, in their great majority, are equipped with conditioned air, hygienic television and services. In Mexico, the buses leave from the Terminal of Buses the West East (I COVER), located in Road Ignacio Zaragoza 200, Colony 10 of May, telephone (52) 5762-5983. If you think to rent a car or to go in its own vehicle, must take the Pan-American highway (well-known also like 190). It is recommended to lead by day, because in the nights the powerboats usually are closed and is very difficult to find mechanical service in the zone.

The Mayan Culture

The Mayan Culture
They were located Yucatan, the coastal plain of Tabasco, the Lacandona forest and of the Guatemalan Petén, Belize, high territories of Chiapas and Guatemala and the western regions of Honduras and El Salvador.
They reached their fullness between centuries IV and X of ours were. During the time called the New Empire they arrived to the Península of Yucatan, and founded the city of Chichén Itzá and they allied with the cities of Uxmal and Mayapán, forming the Triple Alliance, that dominated all the north of Yucatan.
The Mayans depended on agriculture and the commerce, which was very active. They had great artistic development and they counted on important scientific knowledge. Towards century XII the Triple Alliance came to an end. It is not known with certainty what happened, but it is deduced that it could be the Earth weakening, the appearance of epidemics, the internal invasions, or revolutions what took to the Mayans to its decay.
The political and social organization was organized in independent cities in which each one had its own government. Their highest authority uinic was halach: "true man", who was in charge of solving all the subjects of the city and was advised by heads and priests.
The priests belonged to the nobility, were the only possessors of knowledge as to know the calendar, the mathematics and astronomy.
In the smaller social levels they were the earth constructors and workers.
At the end of the social layers they were the slaves, that could be bought in the market and which prisoners could be military.
Old Mayans had a politheistic religion based on the attributes of the nature and the space, therefore a God could be identified with the water, the Earth and even with the death.
For the Mayan Culture the universe it is constituted in three great parts that are:
1. Sky 2. The Earth 3. The Infraworld
the sky, divided in 13 levels, resides the stars, who are the Gods Ixchel (the Moon) and Nohok Ek (Venus). The space this represented by Itzamná, the dragoon that imagines like a serpent covered in feathers of two heads or a dragoon. This God, that is the supreme one in the Mayan religion, symbolizes the fecundante energy of the cosmos, that instills life to all the universe.
______ Venus ___________________ The Moon ______
The Earth is a flat plate that floats on the water; but also it is conceived as a great crocodile or lizard in whose back the vegetation grows. The yucatecan called it Chac Mumul Ain, Quetzalcóatl or Kukulcán.
The infraworld is divided in nine layers; in deepest it resides the God of the death, Ah Puch, "emaciated" or the Kisin, "stinky" respectively represented like a human skeleton and/or a corrupt body.
____ Representations of the Creation _____________ Kisin _____
The cosmos was done for the to use and has existed several times, because the Gods destroyed it and they returned to create to do it better, and the purpose of this is the evolution of men, and every time the cosmos is re.constructed, better men appear.
These religious concepts were the base of a ritual complex in as they fed the Gods by means of offerings, that consisted of scents of flowers, incense, flavors of prepared foods, and on all the spirit of animals and men who resided in the blood and the heart.
The Mayans practiced several types of sacrifice, like the decapitation, the flechamiento, the immersion in the Sacred Natural well of Chichén Itzá and the extraction of the heart. The autosacrifices and sacrifices were practiced with the calendaric periods, that included orations, processions, dances, songs, dramatic representations. In the celebrations, the priests and noble ingested alcoholic beverages, that were considered sacred, to prepare the spirit for the contact with the Gods.
Agriculture was a central activity in the life of the Mayans, used with more frequency those of extensive type, as the system of clear-knock down-burns, and those of intensive type, like the irrigation and the terraces. They combined both techniques with other alternatives, like the harvesting, the domestic orchards, the broken ridges or camps, the arboriculture, the hunting and the fishing. They lived in the forests. The techniques should get used to the amount and quality of the Earth available, to the type of cultures and diverse socioeconomic factors.
They had a numerical system and they knew the existence the zero, the division of fractions and the logarithms. Their writing was hieroglyphic.
In Literature they produced books in which they narrated its origins, legend and mythologies. Its architecture was distinguished by temples constructed in piramidal form, by the ball games, the astronomical observatories, as well as by the use of the false arc.
They were also great potters and painters, of this last one stand out the fresh airs of the city of Bonampak.
In addition, the Mayans had a very exact calendar. They measured the time of three different forms: - Tzolkin Calendar (sacred calendar), of 260 Di'as.-Calendario Haab (civil calendar), of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 Segundos.-Calendar of long account, that is a mixture of the Tzolkin and the Haab.
The first ideas respect the calendar were possibly developed by Olmec Culture
Its mathematical system was based on number 20:
Some important characteristics of the Mayan constructions are the stucco use, the false vault, the watersheds, etc... The walls of the constructions were heavy and the space that was in the inner one was quite small. At some rooms the light never arrived.
Flora and fauna
Within the fauna, the Mayan town knew the deer, the pecarí or wild boar, tepezcuintle, the armadillo, the manati, the rabbit, malixpec (xoloitzcuintle between the Aztecs), tapir, the wild boar, the monkey, tuza, tuza real, the mount cereque, pheasant, doves, turkey, guajolote or domestic turkey, the mount perdiz, quail, chachalaca, gallinola, hen, the iguana, the normal or salty fish, the ostión and other birds and mammals that provided their meat to them for food as much, as stops sacrifice or ritual offering.
Between its flora is the oak, the cedar, mahogany, jabín, chakáh and now very little henequén (it is our green gold)
How to get to:
to the Forest the Candona
The Forest the Candona is not in a place in specific if not in a zone, and Altamirano is one of the most visited places, and is in zone of the Forest La Candona.
At the state of Chiapas it is possible to arrive by air and by land.
From Mexico DF a highway in good state exists that leads to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the capital of Chiapas. If it looks for greater comfort, can approach some of the flights that land in the local airport.
By air, the National Airport of Terán de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, State Capital of Chiapas, receives originating flights of Mexico DF.
The trip lasts so single one hour with 20 minutes.
By earth, the State Capital of Chiapas, Tutxla Gutiérrez, is to 1.080 kilometers of Mexico DF. The hard trip around 14 hours and the price of the ticket in omnibus are of 40 dollars, approximately. The units, in their great majority, are equipped with conditioned air, hygienic television and services. In Mexico, the buses leave from the Terminal of Buses the West East (I COVER), located in Road Ignacio Zaragoza 200, Colony 10 of May, telephone (52) 5762-5983. If you think to rent a car or to go in its own vehicle, must take the Pan-American highway (well-known also like 190). It is recommended to lead by day, because in the nights the powerboats usually are closed and is very difficult to find mechanical service in the zone.
To Mérida, Yucatan
As you already know it, the Mayans also lived in almost all Yucatan. So instead of going to an historical center of any type or some archaeological zone, we go away direct to the capital. Mérida is to 1.510 kilometers of the City of Mexico.
In spite of this apparent "great distance", it is very simple to visit the State Capital of Yucatan, so it is not discouraged, it prepares the suitcases and it initiates his passage by air or earth.
By Air:
the Airport the International Manuel Crescencio Rejón, to 15 minutes of the center of Mérida, receives daily flights of the City of Mexico. The trip lasts one hour with 40 minutes, approximately.
By earth:
it is the ideal route for the travellers who are not urged by the time. The passage by highway from the City of Mexico is very long and lasts, approximately, 20 hours. The units that cover the route, leave from the Terminal of Buses the West East (I COVER), in the Road Ignacio Zaragoza 200, Colony 10 of May, Federal District.
To Guatemala
Also we know that they were in some regions in the Center of Amercia, and although is difficult the route, thanks to God in this century we counted on airplanes, and with very efficient and fast terrestrial and marine transports. In all these routes towards America center, we will take like reference to Chiapas in the maps. As To arrive by Aerial Route It is possible to enter the City of Guatemala by air solely arriving at his international Airport, the Airport the International the Aurora, at where they also arrive the flights of national character. Located within the city and according to they indicate the data historical, this airport was constructed Fifties in the heat of. Today, among other services to the passenger, it counts on banks, tellers ATM and taximeter during the twenty-four hours. One is located to so single three kilometers of the Alive Zone of the city, to approximately eight kilometers of the Historical Center and to about thirty kilometers of Old Guatemala. The airline companies that commonly operate in this airport are: Airlines glass, Group MARK, Continental Airlines, Tikal Mexican Jets and of Aviation, among others. The majority makes the stop at the most important cities of the United States. (Airport the International the Aurora) As To arrive by land In Bus the service of buses he is one of most common as far as the transport from, for and within the City of Guatemala. Through this means it is possible to accede to the different more important population centers from all Guatemala of the economic and accessible form. The way that usually is used for the transfer in bus is the highways of the Petén; those that can as well be dangerous due to their important mud base that during rains inclusively becomes slippery and has arrived until cutting the step. However, it is possible to make use of the microbuses, a relatively recent service, established with the only objective to unite the centers of tourist attraction more outstanding.
From El Salvador also is possible to travel to Guatemala in bus, since direct transfers exist towards the city of Guatemala. From Mexico for example, it is possible to enter just after a long trip either in bus or in railroad.
by sea,
It is possible to accede by sea to Guatemala in case of taking a boat in the port from Fat Pta. of Belize soon to disembark in Livingston or Port Districts. On the other hand a boat exists in addition that it connects in route to Livingston with Omoa of Honduras. Despite the trip companies are common that offer services of cruises.
To Honduras
In this one case there is a very good page of Internet, which says to them where and like staying itself, whichever archaeological and tourist hill, zones and more...
El Salvador
El Salvador counts on many hotel chains of good quality and accessible prices, also tell copn very good tourist zones and with a good climate.
by Aerial Route
For being able to accede to San Salvador by air the airport of El Salvador exists the International; located to exactly sixty and two kilometers of the city itself, a passage that in time would be equivalent to a trip of half an hour. This airport counts on restaurants, duty free stores, the premises to rent automobiles, service of taxis, bank and centers of currency change. On the other hand it also counts on buses that daily connect it with the city. The flights of greater frequency are originating of Buenos Aires with scale in Miami, of Madrid, Mexico DF doing scale in City of Guatemala and New York the duration of each one of these flights varies between the two and five hours. Also from within of El Salvador it is possible to travel by air, for example from San Salvador to the Union, Usulutám or San Miguel. by land In bus At the moment San Salvador counts on diverse companies of buses that make their connection with the City of Guatemala possible, from where each one hour leaves units standard type or luxury. This passage in time is equivalent to five hours of trip whereas via Tegucigalpa, another one of the options possible to take, the duration of the passage is equivalent approximately to seven hours of trip.
From San Salvador to Tegucigalpa, the frequency on watch of buses is minimum, since it is counted on only two buses per day. Despite and service in general it is good in spite of the great number of passengers that characterizes them in each trip. Also connections through bus to other important cities of Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.En exist automobile In order to travel in automobile it is important to know how that in case of arriving at the border outside the schedule of stipulated office it will be necessary to pay a certain rate to be able to cross it. The schedule of office of Monday through Friday is from 12,00 to 14,00 hs. and from 18,00 to 08.00. Approximately twelve thousand kilometers of road network exist of which one third part is completely apt to travel at any time of the year, since to be paved usually they are not affected in rains or drought. The hand by which it is conducted correctly is the right and by a greater security he is more than advisable to travel during the day. With respect to the necessary documentation, one will be due to count on a driving licence national or international, in case of being a vehicle with foreign matriculation, it will be able to remain in the country up to thirty days being able to extend the permission until the sixty. A national or international permission can be used to lead. The foreign vehicles only can remain the country during 30 days. However, it is possible to ask for an extension by other 60 days to the authorities of Customs and Transports of El Salvador. Like Arriving in Train Although nowadays San Salvador does not count on connections of railway character with Guatemala, also yes it has six hundred kilometers of via which they unite it with Angiauatu, San Jero'nimo, Cutuco and Acajutla

The Teotihuacan Culture

The Teotihuacan Culture

The Teotihuacan culture was extended by the states of Puebla, Tlaxcala and Michoacán. One was in the Valley of Mexico. It was organized in a theocratic State, in which also they governed the priests. The hunting, the fishing and the harvesting was practiced, and agriculture and the commerce principally based their economy. The commerce was based on the interchange of ceramics, masks and candlesticks. On the other hand they acquired other towns finished products. Its industrial production was of tools and arms. Most important they were the priests, who controlled the knowledge. The second group formed the military and thirdly they were the craftsmen, small retailers and farmers. Teotihuacan was the more important ceremonial center of the Central Plateau. Respect to their cultural manifestations, the Teotihuacans emphasized as they honor architects and city planners. From the buildings aligned in a called avenue "Street of the Dead" opened to avenues forming a great cross that divided to the city. Around the buildings that were to the sides of the street the artisan districts and houses located in where it lived the population, craftsmen, retailers and foreigners. In the suburbs the agriculturists lived, fishermen and hunters, in wood huts. All the city counted on a water-drainage system. Its excessive one to be able caused constants wars, situation that took to its weakening.
They had an organized and powerful central government, and a powerful market economy. Its society divided in different classes from craftsmen, farmers, workers and retailers, governed by a powerful aristocracy. In order to control the traffic of jade, cacao, pens of tropical birds, animal skins and other products of luxury, Teotihuacán maintained colonies as remote as Kaminaljuyú (the present city of Guatemala) and Matacapán (in high territories of Veracruz, to the east of Mexico).
It is possible to distinguish to Tláloc (God of Rain), Quetzalcoatl (the feathered Serpent), Xipe Totec (God of the Fertility), Huehueteotl (the old God of the Fire), among others. The cults to the sun and the moon strongly are represented by the pyramids that today take their names and that occupied central points in the layout of the city. They also adored the serpent, to the jaguar and the falconet birds. The priests were represented in figurillas and paintings ceramics with as much frequency as they were it the Gods, being clear his importance in the daily life. The graves of the personages of greater social hierarchy became in ritual zones, like temples or pyramids, and were accompanied by numerous offerings of ceramics, objects of semiprecious stone and masks.
The agriculture in its majority is of weather. The water for irrigation is obtained through deep wells but the service is limited due to the domestic consumption. The most important culture in the municipality is the maize, follows the alfalfa, oats, barley, frijol, maize, wheat, avocado, peach tree and tuner them .
Mathematics and Astronomy
Mathematics and Astronomy say that the priests had all the control of the knowledge and could be the unique ones who could write. If to the mathematics and astronomy very well were controlled. They also dominated the architecture. They developed to a system of numeration with base in points and rays that allowed them to facilitate their ritual administrative workings .
Of the main characteristics of the art in Teotihuacan it is the painting mural, which "austere and is distinguished, it cheers and graceful, and intensely religious." The murals bear a relation to tie subjects with the nature and the religion. They represented mountains, rivers and abundant sites in water until terrestrial and marine animals. They painted in all public space and for that reason it is possible to find paintings almost anywhere murals. The most used color was the red, but in different tones, the pigments were natural and they were combined with tuner dribble to be able to have one better adhesion. Thepaintings more important murals are in Tetitla, that it is located to the outskirts of the archaeological zone.
Flora and Fauna
In hills there was Pine, encino and wood of Taxodium Mucronatium well-known, ten like Ahuehuete or Sabino and the Cedar; Of the fauna, murals and "ceramics" of bony rest of some special ones of birds are observed specially, which allows knows a great diversity like owl, the eagle, the Sparrow hawk, wild turkey, doves, etc. Also there were species other people to Teotihuacán like the Quetzal, and still one does not know because. Other species of fauna were the Deer, hare, Coyote and Jaguar; and also reptiles like the Viper of Bell.
How to get there
Like arriving to Texcoco from the City of Mexico, has a highway, a distance of 51 kilometers, that are crossed approximately in one hour; the free highway is number 136 the Mexico-Texcoco until arriving at the archaeological zone.

The Olmec Culture

The Olmec Culture

The first indigenous groups that settled down in Mesoamérica was the Olmec culture. We belive that they arrived more or less in the year 1.100 before Christ and that they came from mountains of Guatemala. They had like characteristic the construction of done primitive pyramids with mud, earth and stones, on which their temples were raised.

They called to themselves the Xi (chi) and their language was protomayanhuastec.

The inhabitated mainly in the states of Veracruz and Tabasco to borders of the Gulf of Mexico, in a region with jungles in which the rivers, lagoons and marshes abound.

That zone had advantages for the development of agriculture because it rained much and the soil was fertil. The fauna of the place in where they inhabited consisted in monkeys, opossum, turkies, deers, birds of beautiful plumages and jaguars, that also served for their feeding and like religious symbols.
The Olmec culture has been considered like the culture mother of the Mesoamerican civilizations beacuse of being the first and because from it, the others were derived, it influenced in the other cultures.
Their main cities were 3 Zapotes, and San Lorenzo in Veracruz, as well as la Venta, in Tabasco.
Its government was theocratic, that is to say, it was presided over by king-priests who took care of which the religion and the policy were always closely interlaced. They had a Politheist religion. The most important deity was the one that represented agriculture. The life was represented by a jaguar and one snake. The jaguar represented the Earth and the serpent the Water. The maize grew in the Earth along with the Water, and therefore from the combination of the two the Life came.
Some of their Gods were:
Quetzalcóatl - God of rain, the climate and the maize.People imagined him as a sanke covered in feathers.
Huehueteotl - the old God, God of the fire.
The Jaguar God - the most important God, God of the Life, represented by an animal half jaguar, half serpent.
Agriculture was the base of its feeding, the more known products were the maize, the beans and the pumpkins. In order to plant seeds, they used the cutting system and grazes, that consisted of cutting and burning, which it allowed an advantage of the fertile ground of the forest.
Astronomy and Mathematics
For the Olmec culture the ceremonial centers were very important, from which a sacerdotal one was derived chaste dedicated to the knowledge of astronomy, the mathematics, the calendar, the beginnings of the writing and several principles of the technology.
Another equaly important thing was the military men, made up of the chiefs and the soldiers. Another group of powerfull men was the one of shamans and old men, although these were under the orders of other leaders of greater hierarchy.
Their art had several forms like the enormous monoliths that conform the colossal heads, the altars in form of thrones and the wakes, that narrate historical events. Also there are smaller pieces as stone axes, masks, busts, command batons of wood or rubber balls.
How arriving to:
How to arrive to Tabasco:
By car
By the state highway 180 can be arrived at Tabasco from the Distrito Federal, Puebla and Veracruz; also, by this route in inverse sense, of east to west, it is possible to enter the state from Quintana Roo, Yucatan and Campeche.
If you are in Chiapas, you can arrive at Tabasco by highway 195.
The lines of terrestrial transport that operate are: ADO, ADO GL, Uno and Cristóbal Colón.
By sea
Tabasco's State counts with a height port, 2 Bocas, where they can berth boats or yachts.
By Air
More than 300 weekly flights they connect to Tabasco with the whole world
The international airport of Villahermosa receives daily flights of Houston, Texas; Mexico, D.F.; Tampico, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, City of the Carmen, Mérida, Cancún, Rich Poza, Puebla and of Havana, Cuba.
These flights are operated by the main air lines like Aeroméxico, Mexican, Aerocaribe, Aviacsa, Aerolitoral, Aeromar and Continental Airline.
From the Federal District's Zocalo to until Villahermosa, Tabasco.
How to arrive to:
By land
The State has modern and functional terminals of buses exist, in which economic services of first class are received and, being the main lines of buses:
Cristóbal Colón
The main wagon axes are:
Freeway Mexico - Puebla - Orizaba - Cordova - The Tinaja - Veracruz Freeway The Tinaja - Wagon Coatzacoalcos Federal Mexico - Puebla - Perote - Xalapa - Wagon Veracruz Veracruz - Coast Emerald - Rich Poza - Tuxpan - Wagon Tampico Veracruz - The Tuxtlas (Santiago, San Andrés, Catemaco) - Wagon Coatzacoalcos Mexico - Pachuca - Rich Poza Also it can in aerial route, since veracruz has with a national and international airport, and counts on accessible prices. Of the Zocalo of the Federal District until Xalapa, Veracruz.

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2007



Por Cultura y Orden Cronológico:
















Calendario Azteca:
Mapa olmeca:

Los Aztecas

Los Aztecas

Cuando fundaor Tenochtitlán, los aztecas se iban a quedar ahí por un buen tiempo, hasta la llegada de los españoles. Entonces salieron de Aztlán(lugar desconocido) y fueron a buscar un citio nuevo según las ordenes de Huitzilopochtli.
Después de un largo camino, llegan al Valle de México, de donde los corresn. Y al pedir tierra para hospedarse les dieron Tizapán, el cual estaba lleno de serpientes venenosas, las cuales se comieron asadas poco después.
Mucho después se encuentran con una señal en el Lago de Texcoco, un águila, en un nopal, devorando a una serpiente; y fundaron allí la ciudad de Tenochtitlán, que significa donde está el nopal silvestre.
Al menos esto lo dicen las leyendas Aztecas.


División social
La ciudad se dividió en calpullis o barrios, habitados por grupos de familias provenientes de un tronco común. Tenían una divinidad protectora, un gobierno interno y tierra en común. Las familias que sembraban la tierra del calpulli solo heredarla a sus hijos, pero no venderla ni nada.
El tributo que dichas comunidades pagaban sostenía a la nobleza.
La sociedad se dividía en dos clases sociales:

los pipiltin (sacerdotes y militares) y los macehuales o gente del pueblo. Las diferencias entre ambos llegaron a ser profundas. El origen de la división estaba en el hecho de que los macehuales producían y tributaban, mientras que los pillis vivían del tributo y se dedicaban a las tareas de administración y liderazgo; pero a tal diferencia económica se agregaron connotaciones jerárquicas y distinciones jurídicas. Los pillis vestían con ropa de algodón, usaban mantos largos, se arreglaban con orejeras, bezotes y collares de piedras preciosas; en sus casas se conocía el lujo de los almohadones de plumas y los equipales, y se contaba con la asistencia de numerosos sirvientes. Las fachadas de las casas nobles estaban coronadas con almenas que hacían referencia al rango de los residentes. Los nobles eran juzgados por tribunales especiales. Los macehuales tenían estrictamente prohibido usar ropas de algodón y mantos largos; debían vestir con lienzos tejidos de hilo de lechuguilla y otras fibras ásperas. No se les permitía engalanarse con pedrería, aunque pudieran comprarla. También tenían prohibido colocar almenas en los muros de sus viviendas.

Místicos y valientes (guerreros y sacerdotes)
Los guerreros de los cuerpos especiales, los valientes, vivían arriesgando la vida continuamente; solteros y acuartelados, danzaban y componían cantos en espera de su próxima cita con la muerte.

Los muchachos que escapaban de la casa paterna, los antisociales expulsados de sus barrios, los delincuentes fugitivos que cambiaban de ciudad para ocultarse, se convertían en marginados y deambulaban por las ciudades ejerciendo sus nuevos oficios: cargadores, acróbatas, titiriteros, prostitutas, vagos mendicantes y, desde luego, ladrones callejeros y bandidos de caminos.

Según los Aztecas, el mundo se creo 5 veces y se destruyó cuatro, para mejorar más al hombre cada vez.

Tenían numerosos dioses:
· Coatlicue, la diosa de la tierra.

· Huitzilopochtli, el dios de la guerra.

· Ipalnemoani (por quien se vive), la fuerza suprema.
· Xochipilli era el dios de las flores, del amor, de la fertilidad y de las relaciones sexuales ilícitas

. su esposa, la diosa Xochiquétzal era protectora de la prostitución

· Tlazoltéotl era la diosa del placer, la voluptuosidad, la fecundidad y la fertilidad.

· Tlaloc - lluvias

. Quetzalcóatl

. Ehecatl - vientos.

Los principales cultivos son: maíz, tabaco, chiles, fruta y maguey

Se especializaron más en la Astronomía
Gracias a sus observaciones determinaron con gran precisión las revoluciones del sol, de la luna, de venus, y, tal vez, de Marte; agruparon las estrellas en constelaciones, conocieron la existencia de los cometas, la frecuencia de los eclipses de sol y de luna, y pudieron crear un complejo calendario.

Esto también les ayudó a predecir el otoño o invierno, veran, etc...

Arquitectura, pintura, medicina, orfebrería, escultura, lengua y literatura

Usaron muchas técnicas e instrumentos. Tuvieron mucha especialidad en la arquitectura, teniendo la 3era pirámide más grande del mundo, la del Sol.
También manejaron los edificios, monumentos, jeroglíficos y escultura.

Flora y fauna
En el Monte Tláloc hay oyamel, encino y otras coníferas aunque no en cantidad suficiente para una explotación importante. El clima es propicio para árboles como: pirul, sauce, fresno, nogal, tejocote, capulín, chabacano, olivo, manzano, higo, etc.
Plantas y flores, crecen: rosas, claveles, alcatraces, gladiolos, ayapangos, nube, margaritas, margaritones, violetas, bugambilias, nardos, azucenas, etc.
Con propósito comercial: tulipán, pompón, crisantemo y clavel.

También maíz, legumbres, trigo, cebada, alfalfa y zacatón, así como magueyes y nopales.

Conejo, liebre, cacomiztle, tejón, ardilla, tuza, rata de campo, etc.
Reptiles : la víbora de cascabel, viborillas de agua inofensivas, cencuate.
Aves: golondrinas, gorriones, urracas, colibríes, canarios, palomas, etc.
Peces:pescado blanco "criollo", trucha, juiles, ranas y acociles.

Es templado semiseco, con una temperatura media anual de 15.9°C, con heladas poco frecuentes. Sus vientos dominantes son del sur.
Como llegar a:

Para llegar a Texcoco desde la Ciudad de México, hay, por carretera, una distancia de 51 kilómetros, que se recorren en una hora aproximadamente; se toma la carretera libre número 136 México-Texcoco hasta llegar a la zona arqueológica.